RefWorks is a software program that allows students to import or create citations to resources, and it allows you to quickly navigate to the source at a later date. Additionally, RefWorks helps students create their bibliography or reference page.
Think of RefWorks as a filing cabinet where you can store all of your citations and other relevant information to help you keep track of your sources. Since RefWorks allows students to create folders and filter citations into these topic-specific folders, students can easily find resources previously imported into RefWorks and create bibliographies in APA, MLA, Chicago, and Turabian citation formats.
You will need to use your EAC Monster Email Address to sign up for RefWorks.
To sign up:
Step 1. Go to or access the RefWorks link on the Library's home page
Step 2. Choose “Create Account” at the bottom of the page.
Step 3. When prompted, enter your university email address and click “check”.
Step 4. RefWorks should recognize the address as belonging to Oxford. Now pick a password and click “sign up”.
Step 5. An activation email will be sent to your email account. In your email, either click on the link, or copy and paste the link into a browser.
Step 6. You will be prompted to fill in some details for your account (e.g. name, area of study).
Step 7. You then have the option of watching a small slideshow with a very brief introduction to RefWorks (you can skip this part if you wish by clicking "Skip Tutorial"). On your first use of RefWorks, you will also get tip popups on the screen to help you. (You can dismiss these by clicking on the X in the box, and check the “Don’t show these tips anymore” box if you want to get rid of them permanently.)